Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The African-American Male Essay - 2580 Words

Thesis Statement: To examine societies contribution to the destruction of the urban African-American male, one must further explain the educational system, racism toward the African-American male, and male role models in society; in doing so it will interpret the meaning to Jawanza Kunjufu first volume: Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys (2004). I. Educational System a. Lack of Information/ Dropouts b. Fourth Grade Syndrome c. Black Male Teachers II. Racism for males a. In the Environment b. Economically c. Rights as a Citizen III. Male Role Models a. Past b. Present c. Division between Male Leaders The motive for the twenty-first century, which is†¦show more content†¦The skills that are considered denied are from a lack of education. Education is an important factor in the advancement of an individual. The more an individual knows the better he or she will succeed in society. â€Å"Education is a tool that Black America must use for social change, to educate its youths, and to correct the mis-education of and about the Black Community† (Henry, Calvin O.L. â€Å"Black Community/ Black America†. Research Room EdChange. Multicultural Pavilion.,1 of 2.). It is the main concern to the development of black males. According to, Baltimore Chronicle and Sentinel writer, Phillip Jackson: The successful education process starts with the family in the home and community, and continues in school and throughout life. The extent to which Black parents become actively involved in the education of Black male children is the extent to which the destruction of potentially millions of young Black men will stop. When young Black men realize they have become expendable, are we ready for their reaction? The United States does not tolerate young Black men being unproductive or counter-productive to the goals of mainstream society. Black males are suspended, expelled and failed in schools at rates that are two to five times higher than students of other races and go to jail at rates five to ten times higher than people of other races ().Jackson, Phillip. â€Å"The Massive Failure ofShow MoreRelatedAfrican Americans And African American Males3422 Words   |  14 PagesCurrently, African Americans make up nearly one million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population. Nearly one in three African American males born today can expect to serve time in prison during their lifetime (NAACP, 2015). A central issue in today’s society is the rate of criminalization of African American male s. There are many speculations on this topic; however, the central one is when a crime is committed then there is â€Å"time† to be served. 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